Wednesday, November 10, 2010

20 weeks and cupcakes

le bebe length of a banana.

and so it is...snips and snails and puppy dog tails for this mama to be. :)

it wasn't a big surprise, we had been calling "him" a "him" for the better part of a few weeks due in a large part to this chart: gender-selection-and-family-dynamics/chinese-chart.

you're supposed to take the age of the mother at time of conception along with the month of conception ...and presto-chango - girl or boy. certainly takes the whole "family planning" thing to a new level. i wonder if anyone's had any success trying to conceive either a girl or boy deliberately this way.

we called my dad after the appointment since it was his birthday (how perfect) and i was just dying to tell him: "happy birthday, poppy, it's a boy!" and dad, jokester that he is, started suggesting names already - he liked "the sound" of ralph alf. i told him i preferred "ralphalfa" and we'd gel a little hair spike on the top of his head. apparently he loved that so much he's been telling coworkers about his new grandson, ralphalfa. so funny.

ND and i celebrated by hitting up a baby gap and checking out their cute skull stuff and made a few small purchases. (seriously, i am in no way affiliated with this company nor are they paying me to say these things but this girl could go a little spend happy in that place - i can't believe i was able to contain myself to the sale racks).

tell me the shark and red monster hat aren't the cutest things you've ever seen? those are some stylin' bebes. hey, just let me be that photographer's assistant for the day. i want to throw fake snow up in the air and make silly faces and noises at the cute little fashion models. and i'll try very hard not to smuggle a few home with me at the end of the shoot.

here's the loot:




i told ND if i wasn't already pregnant i just might have started pushing along the whole married/babies process had i seen these before. oh, and the little black monster onesie glows in the dark! seriously, i could just die from cuteness overload. plus, we're going to be getting hand-me-downs from my cousin and friends who have all had little boys. not to mention a nana and bumpa who are happy as all get-out to be having another grandchild. this little peanut is going to be set for quite some time.

the next day i brought in cupcakes to work from the fantastic cupcake royale bakery with blue frosting announcing our little boy:

motherhood is sweet.

and health wise - so far so good. :)


  1. I'll be keeping up! Congratulations again to you and's gonna be a blast!

  2. adorable! congratulations!!

    Kim C.
