Friday, January 7, 2011

birthing class & vitamin D- (see me after school)

so, the return of the nausea...we noticed totally coincided with my sudden new intake of 8,000 iu's of vitamin D with my morning breakfast of juice and oatmeal. after feeling "flu-ish" for most of the new years weekend, i did some quick online googling of "vitamin D overdose symptoms" and called my midwife on monday to be all like, "hey girly, what gives? you're the one who prescribed this tilt-a-hurl." though perhaps, in her defense, my naturally pale complexion DNA strands are rejecting any forms of artificial sunlight because really my people are descendants from underground dwellers (um, like fraggles!? or mole people!) and sun exposure would be like our kryptonite and make us all weak and kill our superpowers and stuff. or maybe after two years here i've just completely adjusted to seattle weather and therefor sunlight in any form is now just too foreign of a substance and my body is rejecting it like an infected kidney or lung.

to his credit, my husband says lovely things all the time like i have "creamy, alabaster skin." never things like: "dear god, why does your skin have this unworldly bluish tint?!" "are you descendant from albinos?" and "why can i see all your veins? you're like those freaky see-through guppies at the pet store."

anyway, midwife was completely blown away by my suggestion that there might be a connection (she'd never heard of such a thing) and recommended i go off the dosage completely and just to let her know if the symptoms went away. (they did).

so, huh, bummer dude. head scratcher. currently i'm taking a measly 1,000 iu dose at night before bed (also with food) and may attempt to gradually up the dosage to 4,000 ius but i'm thinking it's not a good idea to go any higher than that... wouldn't want to turn into one of those orange, jersey shore cast members.


our first natural birth class with april was on wednesday and we loved it. she threw out a few weird/uncomfortable/outdated jokes at the beginning that had ND and i looking at each other nervously (um, did i make the wrong choice?) but we chalked it up to new class nerves and sure enough, the rest of it went swimmingly. and a few things in particular had us relax considerably:

1. we were NOT the couple with the earliest due date (as i think we were both convinced that we were already falling behind schedule/late to the "game" (as it were) with birthing procedure knowledge, finding a midwife and birth center and finally signing up for birth classes).

2. the four exercises that april had us practicing were all things that linzi already had me doing at our training sessions months ago.
a. pelvic tilts
b. cat/cow (yoga) poses
c. squats
d. kegels (yeah, you know what those are. fun little buggers).

3. and our funny/interesting tidbit: during the introduction portion i mentioned that ND and i were both originally from wisconsin. the couple next to us and in front of us chirped in that they were as all! we had all unconsciously sat near one another. woo! wisconsin trifecta FTW! ND is soooo wearing his wiskullsin shirt to the next class. :)

also, we're liking the whole late night class thing (7-9:30pm). it gives us a chance to wind down on the car ride home and talk about the session. we made a quick snack and then off to bed. ND puts his hand over my belly and he whispers to me that he "hopes this isn't bad, but i kind of wish you could be pregnant longer." perhaps a lot of third trimester women might have been offended by this statement as the whole uncomfortable "get this baby out of me!" sensations/aches and pains start to rear their ugly heads but i took it for the sweet way in which it was intended. and i wholeheartedly agree with him. it's so blissfully peaceful in these moments at night, laying together, feeling the baby kick us both and laughing, having the fun/dizzy anticipation, listening to each other breathing and being close without all the craziness and responsibility of a newborn just yet. it's bonded us completely and though i keep saying this is all happening much sooner than i planned, it's definitely happening at the right time for us as a family.

-mama bee's socks have been rocked.

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