Wednesday, December 1, 2010

23 weeks

things ND has said in the last week that made me spit things out or roll on the floor with side ache laughing pains:

nd: "wait, what's all this about a baby? i thought we were getting a puppy."

after i was telling him about a very restless night due to baby kickings:
e: i think el bebe is trying to prepare us for the sleepless nights ahead.
nd: we'll just deal with it as it comes...with earplugs and alcohol.

seriously, he has me in stitches most of the time. i just love being married to him and i see so clearly what an amazing dad he is. he is so patient with me, so loving, so hands-on, and not to mention his ability to have a sense of humor about most everything. my uncertainty at first has given way to the undeniable feeling that our little family is very meant to be.

our house will be so full with laughter and love.

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