Friday, December 10, 2010

baby bird lists

what we've lovingly been calling you these last few months:

little man
lil' fishstick (ND somehow came up with the nickname "fishstick" for me a long time ago so baby bird therefor is naturally "lil' fishstick")
bebe burrrrrrito (must be said with lots of r-rolling)
wee bitty bumpkin
ralphalfa (ND HATEShateshates this one, but given his last name i think it's cute/funny).

stuff i'm looking forward to:

little kisses, cuddles, and new baby smells
outings (and eventual hikes and camping) with our new little family
seeing ND bond with the little one (swoon)
the hard work involved that can be so rewarding
new books and toys
all the firsts
having a daily subject to photograph
going back to taking hot, hot, hot showers - the kind that makes your skin all pink and probably isn't good for you but i loved them
getting to have that glass of wine or beer with dinner again (and moving on to a nice glass of scotch or bourbon when i'm done breastfeeding).
being able to start running again

stuff i'm afraid of: 

not being able to breastfeed
feeling lost, overwhelmed and unprepared
the hard work that can seem like it never gets done and just keeps piling up
not working with a steady income for an undermined amount of time (srsly. omg. freak out).
losing touch with friends because family suddenly becomes priority
not being able to create or have time for side projects
not having anything to talk to or relate to people about other than babies/baby stuff (just shoot me)
not being able to go to concerts or bars on a whim anymore
not being able to lose the weight
having ND's other kids feel left out or not as important to us

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