Thursday, October 14, 2010

the name game

your kids' names are stupid.

this article made me laugh today. especially since husband and i are still arguing about boys names. we had a few fun, unique girl's names picked right out of the park but when it comes to little boys we just can't agree on anything. picking a boy's name is harder, in my opinion - it feels like there are just physically less to choose from and when the baby books try to get creative, they just end up being variations on a theme: aiden, jaden, caden, get the point. few names, lots of different ways to spell them or sound like them.

i should really go through and count the text messages back and forth that just have names in them from ND and i. i'll be sitting at my desk at work, working on something and suddenly....buzzbuzz...(text from husband)...i glance at it....make a face and quickly text back "veto". same goes with me as well. i'll get some kind of what i think is an eureka! moment during the day and i'll lunge for my phone....typetypetypetype....seconds pass...buzzbuzz...(text from husband)..."no."  back and forth, just like that, forever and ever. le sigh.

to his credit though ND came up with THE.MOST.AWESOME. way to choose a first/middle name yesterday (which i'm keeping secret for now) but we found that it quickly lends itself to mostly girls names. foiled again. i think we're actually ever-so-slightly in favor of a girl at this point just so we can stop arguing about it and get on without all the "NO!" texts back and forth. :)

trying to get some help from family now - delving into family trees - both his sides and mine. literary references as well - i think it would be cool for my son or daughter to pick up a book one day and have their mom tell them their name was chosen from it because it was a book that i so loved and cherished growing up. i'm holding fast to a boy's name that i chose for this very reason and at first ND was on board but as time passes he's apparently becoming less so. the middle name is proving to be more difficult with this particular first/last name combination and that's where we keep getting stuck. we both have a boy's middle name that we LOVE but then i'd have to relent to another first name and i'm just not ready to let go yet.

i think the solution is to put all this banana-fana fo fanna stuff to the back burner for now and let it start to develop once we actually know the sex of the baby instead of arguing over names now that might be a complete non-issue in a month.

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