Sunday, October 3, 2010

15 weeks

husband (ok don't gag, but my heart does this little flutter every time i get to say that: "husband". just makes me so happy that ND and i are on this journey together).... anyway, yes, husband (eep!) is gone for the weekend - biking and camping with buddies - and among all the editing i have to do, i found myself in my first real burst of nesting insanity. though i seem to be doing it all wrong because while the kitchen, bathroom and bedroom look lovely and fresh, the living room and dining area look like my hamper and work piles exploded into an entropic disaster area of emergency evacuation-type proportions. total nesting fail. maybe the proper nesting hormones haven't kicked in completely - maybe they're only halfway engaged at this point in the pregnancy - hence the entropy. honestly i really think that it's not the nesting instinct yet at all, i actually think i'm just tired of the piles of things that have been adding up around the house and before i can concentrate and get any work done i have to be in a clean, organized environment. which is hysterical because my artistic leanings lend to all sorts of collecting and hoarding and pile dumping and i almost never have a completely clean, organized home. husband was such a minimist before he met me - ah, sometimes i really feel sorry for all the chaos i tend to bring with me.

so despite the nesting fail, i did get to be all stereotypically barefoot and pregnant this weekend as i whipped up a batch of homemade banana bread. it might be all gone before ND gets home....there's still half of the loaf left so who knows, he may get lucky. ;) i've been talking a lot with a friend over email about the series 'Mad Men' and how strange is it that not so long ago a woman would have smoked and drank, quite extensively, throughout her pregnancy, a la Betty Draper. doctor's opinions now range from abstaining completely to a glass of wine here and there is acceptable. i haven't partaken (partook?) because i don't feel the need to and ND never drank unless i did so there's no temptation now either. (ok, so one night we made virgin margaritas mostly because they just go so well with the tacos i made and it started to be a little tradition of ours - only with lots o' tequila - but without they were completely disgusting. seriously, barf. i need to look up some some good virgin recipes). other than that i don't really have an opinion one way or the other about what's right for a woman's body concerning alcohol as long as it's within reason and you don't overdo it. a half a glass of wine might be nice with dinner some night but i don't feel like i'm missing out on anything. same with caffeine. i thought i was really going to miss my coffee in the morning but i don't. i might be a little more nostalgic for it once the temperature drops and we're cuddled by the fire but i'm not craving it at all and i can always make cocoa or something decaf and delicious to warm me up.

10.07.10 update (just found this article which is kerrrazy): seriously? children of "light drinkers" were 30 percent less likely to have social or emotional difficulties than those whose mothers didn't drink at all.

the end of the nausea of the first trimester has been weird for me because without it i don't really feel pregnant at all right now. save for a little heartburn (ok, a lot of heartburn) and my pants getting tight (i think it might be time to break out the belly bands), i would have just thought i'd put on a little weight. i have a lot of vivid technicolor baby-themed dreams as of late which i guess helps with the "not feeling it". last night's was a bit frightening though... something about a late term sonogram that showed i was expecting not one but two babies. i woke up in kind of a panic, racking my brain about the actual last doctor appointment and finally reassuring myself that we are, in fact, only having one little darling. perhaps part of the not feeling pregnant has to do with our current living situation. we weren't planning for a baby when we moved into our current apartment. it's a one bedroom + den and the den is already filled to the hilt with my books, art supplies and studio equipment. we do have a small storage space in the parking garage but it's filled with things from his two children that they didn't take back with them to wisconsin when their mother hurriedly whisked them away. understandably, ND can't bare to part with all of it just yet. our baby is due in march but our lease isn't up until may. that leaves two months of complete limbo. (i don't even want to start thinking about moving with a newborn right now, but that's a reality i'm going to have to come to grips with sooner than later). do we clean out the den to the best of our ability and start making room for baby things or do we wait completely, live in limbo for a little while, and hope we find a bigger place in may? ....i think i'm going to attack the piles in the living room rather than think about this right now.

ignore the messy bathroom (pre nesting cleaning frenzy) but here's my first belly pic. 

after i "popped" ND and i have been quoting Pulp Fiction:

Fabienne: I was looking at myself in the mirror. 
Butch: Uh-huh? 
Fabienne: I wish I had a pot. 
Butch: You were lookin' in the mirror and you wish you had some pot? 
Fabienne: A pot. A pot belly. Pot bellies are sexy. 
Butch: Well you should be happy, 'cause you do. 
Fabienne: Shut up, Fatso! I don't have a pot! I have a bit of a tummy, like Madonna when she did "Lucky Star," it's not the same thing. 
Butch: I didn't realize there was a difference between a tummy and a pot belly. 
Fabienne: The difference is huge. 
Butch: You want me to have a pot? 
Fabienne: No. Pot bellies make a man look either oafish, or like a gorilla. But on a woman, a pot belly is very sexy. The rest of you is normal. Normal face, normal legs, normal hips, normal ass, but with a big, perfectly round pot belly. If I had one, I'd wear a tee-shirt two sizes too small to accentuate it. 
Butch: You think guys would find that attractive? 
Fabienne: I don't give a damn what men find attractive. It's unfortunate what we find pleasing to the touch and pleasing to the eye is seldom the same.

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